
Posters presented at the 2024 NUE Workshop

Aicha BiaouOklahoma State UniversityPotential for improving African smallholder cereal farming using Sentinel-2A spectral reflectance
Allison CamargoLouisiana State UniversityBiostimulant potential in grain and soybean production in Louisiana
Bruno NicchioLouisiana State UniversitySilicon Research at LSU AgCenter: Benefits and Application Guidelines in Louisiana Rice Production Systems
Caleb SnodgrassOklahoma State UniversityThe effect of no-till conversion on soil-plant buffering of inorganic nitrogen
Charlie DarnallLouisiana State UniversityOptimizing Nitrogen Use In Louisiana Rice Rotational Systems
Deepa Pokharel Oklahoma State UniversityHistory of algorithms that are used in grain sorghum
Ella Hazel EstradaOklahoma State UniversityRelationship of Inherent Soil Properties to Spatial Variability of Crop Yield
Emely GramajoPurdue UniversityCombined Effects of Nitrogen Rate, Source, and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Use in Midwest Corn Production
Emily StatonOklahoma State UniversityNitrogen Management in Cotton Following Corn on the High Plains of Oklahoma
Erick OlivaPurdue UniversityShort-Stature and Full-Stature Corn Hybrid Response to Nitrogen Rate and Plant Population
Eve RadamLouisiana State UniversityRice production evaluation in silicon-enriched soil with assistance of silica solubilizing bacteria
Gabriella BurkettSouthern Illinois UniversityInfluence of Incorporating Winter Cereal Rye and Manure Management on Soil Health, STP, and Crop Quality in Corn Silage Systems
German SantosPurdue UniversityEvaluation of Commercial Soil Probe (Teralytic NPK) Performance in Field Conditions
Giovanna RochaLouisiana State UniversityInfluence of Nitrogen Sources and Cover Cropping on Agronomic and Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Productivity of Sugarcane
Gulcin Sener GuzelSouthern Illinois UniversityResponse of Corn Planting Methods of Cover Crop Species and Nitrogen Rate in Southern Illinois
Jeisy VarelaLouisiana State UniversityThe use of Biostimulants Technology to increase NUE in Sugarcane Production
Jennielyn ConsignadoLouisiana State UniversityModified Digestion for Plant Si determination
Jessica Bezerra de OliveiraKansas State UniversityNitrogen dynamics: Unraveling the fate of fertilizer in a rainfed wheat cropping system
Jitender RathoreVirginia TechNitrogen estimation using drone imagery in corn
Jolee DerrickOklahoma State UniversityEvaluation of N Source and Timing in No Till Winter Wheat
Jongwon KangUniversity of Guelph4R strategies for minimizing volatilization losses from in-season nitrogen applications in corn
Jose VacaPurdue UniversityEco-Intensification of Corn Using Recycled Drainage Water for Irrigation and Fertigation
Julio Leiva RivarolaKansas State UniversityImpact of Nitrogen Fertilizer with Nitrification and Urease Inhibitors on Winter Wheat Agronomic Efficiency
Kamilla OliveiraLouisiana State UniversitySilicon amendment and SSB in irrigated rice system
Kayla VittoreUniversity of IllinoisComparing N Losses of Anhydrous Ammonia and Controlled-Release N Fertilizer (CRNF) for Reducing N Losses from Fall-Application Fertilizers
Kelby LinnOklahoma State UniversitySulfur by Nitrogen in Hard Red Winter Wheat
Leonardo RezendeLouisiana State UniversityCover cropping effect on nutrient recycling in soil under crop rotation system in Louisiana
Leonardo Lemes BoscheKansas State UniversityDeveloping a decision support model for informing N fertilization in corn
Marcos NodariLouisiana State UniversityYield and crop profile in response to N, P, K fertilization
Maria A. Salvador SantosLouisiana State UniversityBest management practices impact productivity of crops in rotation system in Louisiana
Marlon VieiraLouisiana State UniversitySugarcane residue management using modified harvester: impact on productivity and water quality
Mauro PlateroKansas State UniversityEnhancing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency in Sorghum to Boost Yields and Reduced Nitrogen Loss
Narciso Zapata BrandaPurdue UniversityCorn Yield, Nitrogen Use, and Biological Activity Response to Asymbiotic N-Fixing Bioinoculant Products
Nicholas SsebalamuOklahoma State UniversityEffect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Source and Rate on Bermudagrass Forage Yield and Quality
Oluwaseun OlaSouthern Illinois UniversityInfluence of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Wheat and Soybean Growing Seasons
Osman GuzelSouthern Illinois UniversityCan precision nitrogen management in corn maintain crop production and reduce environmental N footprints?
Patricia FerreiraLouisiana State UniversitySilicon amendment and SSB in irrigated rice system
Paula Garcia HelgueraKansas State UniversityOptimization of Water and Nitrogen Use By Varying Fertilization Management and Crop Rotation
Pratchanida KhanchaiLouisiana State UniversityRecommendations based on organic matter and different textures soils to produce cassava in Thailand
Roy GrantOklahoma State UniversityEvaluation of Fertility Management for Double Crop Soybeans
Samson AbiolaOklahoma State UniversityPhysiology of Nitrogen Uptake in High and Low Protein Wheat Genotypes
Samuel AkinOklahoma State UniversityThe evaluation of spatial drivers of response to potassium fertilizer in soybean production
Samuel Huayamabe LopezLouisiana State UniversityVegetation index measurements using proximal sensor and aerial imagery in Louisiana rice production systems
Skye BruglerSouth Dakota State UniversityEvaluating Climate Smart Practices: Assessing The Role of Polymer-Coated Urea in Reducing Carbon Equivalent Emissions
Sowmya KoduruSouthern Illinois UniversityDoes a long-term no-till in corn-soybean rotation decrease nitrous oxide emissions in Southern Illinois?
Srinadh KodaliSouth Dakota State UniversityImpact of Interseeded Cover Crop Composition on Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Requirements and Corn-Soybean Yields
Yizheng WangUniversity of MissouriFrom Data to Decisions: Improving Corn Nitrogen Management through On-Farm Research
Meryem MaatouguiOklahoma State UniversityThe evaluation of NDVI response index consistency using proximal sensors and satellites

Graduate student submission for the poster competition should be done during registration, which will begin April 5th.

Poster Guidelines

Three posters will be selected by judges to receive an award. Judges will evaluate the poster and the presentation to make the selection of the three winners. The poster format must be 48″ in height x 36″ in width. There is no template for the poster.

Poster awards:

  • First place: $400
  • Second place: $300
  • Third place: $200

A PDF version of the poster must be submitted no later than August 2 at 5 PM Central Time. The posters will be made available for download on the Workshop website during and after the event.

*Only the students who submit the poster by the deadline can present in person on August 6.

Please name your PDF file as “LastName_FirstName_2024-NUE-Poster” and email it to giovani3@illinois.edu with the subject “2024 NUE Workshop Poster”

Poster Display and Presentation

The author will bring their poster printed. The posters need to be set up beginning at 7:30 AM on August 6. Posters may remain in place through the morning of August 7 and should be removed by Noon. Supplies to attach the poster to boards will be available at the conference registration desk. Posters left on display past this time will be removed by workshop staff. The Poster Session will be held between 4:15 and 6 PM on August 6.

Poster competition winners will be announced on August 7 at 11:15 am.

Poster competition winners will be asked to complete the paperwork needed before leaving the conference to receive their check awards.

If you don’t want to participate in the poster competition, you can still present the poster in the workshop. Please let us know.

Thanks for being part of the 2024 NUE Workshop!