Aicha Biaou | Oklahoma State University | Potential for improving African smallholder cereal farming using Sentinel-2A spectral reflectance |
Allison Camargo | Louisiana State University | Biostimulant potential in grain and soybean production in Louisiana |
Bruno Nicchio | Louisiana State University | Silicon Research at LSU AgCenter: Benefits and Application Guidelines in Louisiana Rice Production Systems |
Caleb Snodgrass | Oklahoma State University | The effect of no-till conversion on soil-plant buffering of inorganic nitrogen |
Charlie Darnall | Louisiana State University | Optimizing Nitrogen Use In Louisiana Rice Rotational Systems |
Deepa Pokharel | Oklahoma State University | History of algorithms that are used in grain sorghum |
Ella Hazel Estrada | Oklahoma State University | Relationship of Inherent Soil Properties to Spatial Variability of Crop Yield |
Emely Gramajo | Purdue University | Combined Effects of Nitrogen Rate, Source, and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Use in Midwest Corn Production |
Emily Staton | Oklahoma State University | Nitrogen Management in Cotton Following Corn on the High Plains of Oklahoma |
Erick Oliva | Purdue University | Short-Stature and Full-Stature Corn Hybrid Response to Nitrogen Rate and Plant Population |
Eve Radam | Louisiana State University | Rice production evaluation in silicon-enriched soil with assistance of silica solubilizing bacteria |
Gabriella Burkett | Southern Illinois University | Influence of Incorporating Winter Cereal Rye and Manure Management on Soil Health, STP, and Crop Quality in Corn Silage Systems |
German Santos | Purdue University | Evaluation of Commercial Soil Probe (Teralytic NPK) Performance in Field Conditions |
Giovanna Rocha | Louisiana State University | Influence of Nitrogen Sources and Cover Cropping on Agronomic and Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Productivity of Sugarcane |
Gulcin Sener Guzel | Southern Illinois University | Response of Corn Planting Methods of Cover Crop Species and Nitrogen Rate in Southern Illinois |
Jeisy Varela | Louisiana State University | The use of Biostimulants Technology to increase NUE in Sugarcane Production |
Jennielyn Consignado | Louisiana State University | Modified Digestion for Plant Si determination |
Jessica Bezerra de Oliveira | Kansas State University | Nitrogen dynamics: Unraveling the fate of fertilizer in a rainfed wheat cropping system |
Jitender Rathore | Virginia Tech | Nitrogen estimation using drone imagery in corn |
Jolee Derrick | Oklahoma State University | Evaluation of N Source and Timing in No Till Winter Wheat |
Jongwon Kang | University of Guelph | 4R strategies for minimizing volatilization losses from in-season nitrogen applications in corn |
Jose Vaca | Purdue University | Eco-Intensification of Corn Using Recycled Drainage Water for Irrigation and Fertigation |
Julio Leiva Rivarola | Kansas State University | Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizer with Nitrification and Urease Inhibitors on Winter Wheat Agronomic Efficiency |
Kamilla Oliveira | Louisiana State University | Silicon amendment and SSB in irrigated rice system |
Kayla Vittore | University of Illinois | Comparing N Losses of Anhydrous Ammonia and Controlled-Release N Fertilizer (CRNF) for Reducing N Losses from Fall-Application Fertilizers |
Kelby Linn | Oklahoma State University | Sulfur by Nitrogen in Hard Red Winter Wheat |
Leonardo Rezende | Louisiana State University | Cover cropping effect on nutrient recycling in soil under crop rotation system in Louisiana |
Leonardo Lemes Bosche | Kansas State University | Developing a decision support model for informing N fertilization in corn |
Marcos Nodari | Louisiana State University | Yield and crop profile in response to N, P, K fertilization |
Maria A. Salvador Santos | Louisiana State University | Best management practices impact productivity of crops in rotation system in Louisiana |
Marlon Vieira | Louisiana State University | Sugarcane residue management using modified harvester: impact on productivity and water quality |
Mauro Platero | Kansas State University | Enhancing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency in Sorghum to Boost Yields and Reduced Nitrogen Loss |
Narciso Zapata Branda | Purdue University | Corn Yield, Nitrogen Use, and Biological Activity Response to Asymbiotic N-Fixing Bioinoculant Products |
Nicholas Ssebalamu | Oklahoma State University | Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Source and Rate on Bermudagrass Forage Yield and Quality |
Oluwaseun Ola | Southern Illinois University | Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Wheat and Soybean Growing Seasons |
Osman Guzel | Southern Illinois University | Can precision nitrogen management in corn maintain crop production and reduce environmental N footprints? |
Patricia Ferreira | Louisiana State University | Silicon amendment and SSB in irrigated rice system |
Paula Garcia Helguera | Kansas State University | Optimization of Water and Nitrogen Use By Varying Fertilization Management and Crop Rotation |
Pratchanida Khanchai | Louisiana State University | Recommendations based on organic matter and different textures soils to produce cassava in Thailand |
Roy Grant | Oklahoma State University | Evaluation of Fertility Management for Double Crop Soybeans |
Samson Abiola | Oklahoma State University | Physiology of Nitrogen Uptake in High and Low Protein Wheat Genotypes |
Samuel Akin | Oklahoma State University | The evaluation of spatial drivers of response to potassium fertilizer in soybean production |
Samuel Huayamabe Lopez | Louisiana State University | Vegetation index measurements using proximal sensor and aerial imagery in Louisiana rice production systems |
Skye Brugler | South Dakota State University | Evaluating Climate Smart Practices: Assessing The Role of Polymer-Coated Urea in Reducing Carbon Equivalent Emissions |
Sowmya Koduru | Southern Illinois University | Does a long-term no-till in corn-soybean rotation decrease nitrous oxide emissions in Southern Illinois? |
Srinadh Kodali | South Dakota State University | Impact of Interseeded Cover Crop Composition on Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Requirements and Corn-Soybean Yields |
Yizheng Wang | University of Missouri | From Data to Decisions: Improving Corn Nitrogen Management through On-Farm Research |
Meryem Maatougui | Oklahoma State University | The evaluation of NDVI response index consistency using proximal sensors and satellites |